Our research is the first effort aimed at assessing Slovenian lay public knowledge, search and use of scientific information about the brain, and care for brain health. Public knowledge, perception, and preventive behavior need to be considered in the planning of effective strategies for brain health promotion. Active care for brain health and reduction of lifestyle-related risks for brain disorders may be a key strategy in tackling the growing prevalence of mental and neurological illnesses.
#Budin family in slavania full

Nastja Tomat 1,2 *, Matej Perovnik 2,3,4, Gaj Vidmar 4,5,6, Vesna van Midden 2,3, Sara Fabjan 2,7, Hana Hawlina 2, Dolores Trol 2, Alina Holnthaner 2, Sebastijan Krajnc 2, Maruša Grešak 2, Liza Žerdin 2, Judita Vidmar 8 and Mara Bresjanac 2,4